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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Laura's Shower

A couple of weeks ago I went to my friend Laura's baby shower, she is having her third child, and all kids are under 5 too! Better her than me I say:) LOL I am hoping to take her pregnancy portraits but I told her she had to wait till her belly was a little bigger, (she's one of those tiny cute pregnant people:), very much unlike I was! Ok so here are a few of my favs........

This is her oldest isn't she beautiful?
This is Kala she's the best babysitter in the world we love her!

Monday, June 23, 2008


So let me tell you about my exciting photography moment I had a couple of weeks ago. I usually send out for my prints online but this day I needed just one print ASAP so I went to one of those Kodak machines to get it made instantly. When I took my print up to the counter to pay they asked for the photographers release! Actually the guy was quite nasty about it, I tried to explain to him I did it, which then he stated that it looked like it was done in a studio and I told him I did that in Photoshop which then he replied where's your business card, then I was like well I haven't gotten around to that, yikes. So anyways it was a great moment for me and I have realized I might need to get some business cards!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is Amanda from Columbia, she drove up Father's day weekend so I could take her bridals. She is absolutely stunning and such a doll. I could hardly pick which pictures to post because she is so super beautiful & photogenic! Lucky me:) I can't wait to do her wedding next month!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


This is Michael he is 16 and is so sweet, he lives next door and my kids just adore him to death! I just love his cruely hair. I wonder if Nick's will be like that when he is older? :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kat's Graduation!

This is my amazing friend Kathy, she would give you the shirt off her back. But first she'd make sure it was washed and ironed. Her and her family define the true meaning of Southern hospitality, even in the middle of nursing school she didn't think twice about inviting me and my family to come live with her when we moved back to SC until Bryan found a job. We met almost 10 years ago in college, and have been through so much together. Seeing how hard she worked to get through school made her graduation so so sweet!!!

This is her son Thomas-J he is 9 months older than Gabe and they are best friends, he is such a doll!
I love this pictures I think she looks like a WWII nurse:)

A proud mama!