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Sunday, July 27, 2008

I need computer skills & other stuff

I got an e-mail asking why in the world my blog wasn't working and why you couldn't leave me a comment on my last couple of posts. I told them I had no idea since I love comments why I would disable them. SO I just spent the last hour trying to figure it out, and I finally did thank goodness, I just hate my lack of computer skills! Well to add to that thought, there should be lots new stuff on here in the next few weeks! New logo, new look I hope and new shots from the wedding I did last week. Not to mention the house is almost done and we close on it next week:)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Boys

Here's a couple pics of the boys this summer, I am way behind on their pics, but here's Gabe after getting his tee-ball trophy and Nick at the beach! Still working on the wedding from this past weekend but should have a couple of shots posted soon!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4th of July weekend

Here's a few pics from 4th of July weekend Bryan had to work most of it so we couldn't go anywhere, so we just went to our neighbors, but the fireworks were awesome from her balcony! We also took the kidos swimming which Gabe loved and Nick not so much, I think he might be one of those inside brainiac types:) Enjoy..........

Can you say Joe Dirt?

The annual 4th of July cake of course!Nick liked it!

I got this new shock proof water proof camera and I just love it you can even take video under water:)

This storm ended our swim time...............

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Best

I LOVE photography so much and it's amazing what a process it is. It's exciting to see your pictures get better as time progresses and it's even better when you nail your shot and get one of those portfolio worthy pictures:) But what's even better than that for me is seeing a picture I shot framed and put up in someone's home! As I was walking through someone's house last week I couldn't help but notice a picture I took earlier this year sitting on their desk. Just to think that something I did, someone liked so much they were willing to make the effort to have it framed & set up is such a satisfying thing. I just hope they enjoy their fav pics as much as I do!:)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Flordia 2

Here are some of the actual people shots from my trip to Florida. I love these pictures I got of "my girls" I just love working with teenagers, these two were in my small group that I taught in UT for almost 4 years, they are growing up so fast and are the most amazing girls, I miss them all so much !



I'm such a dork!
The girls with Theresa she is my good friend and their new small group leader

Aren't they adorable!

I need longer arms, got to love these shoots!


Ok, so after 5 years of totally devoting myself to my children I decided it was time for some me time! A few weeks ago I spent a long weekend in Clearwater Flordia, and it was so amazing. I met my good friend Theresa from UT there and 2 of the teen girls from my small group I taught were already there vacationing so we all had an incredibly relaxing, silly chick vacation! I think this might turn into a once a year event! Here are some of the scenic shoots:)

Yes we even rented a convertible!
Egmont Key
Ruins at Egomnt Key

Egmont Key, we took a boat out here and went snorkeling!

View from our hotel

Another view from hotel

St. Petersburg Pier

St. Pete

Look it's a dolphin!

Another view from hotel of the Gulf

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blogging is emotional

OK, so yes the whole blogging thing is way cool and very addictive. I find myself checking my favorite blogs almost daily and feel let down at times when they take too long to post, however I myself am way behind with my posting yet I'm not really sure who is out there reading my blog anyways:) But I have come to realize that I really LOVE comments even from complete strangers, even if they just say "hey I looked at your blog today" or "yes you are such a wanna be", anything really would make my day! I remember posting to my first stranger blog and feeling like such a stalker at first but now I have come to appreciate a stalker for who they are, and for the emotional support they provide!!!