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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The OTHER love of my life

Right now I am hiding from my husband blogging, I didn't finish editing the pictures of the boys I took last week so I felt compelled to atleaset post one blog, even though I am supposed to be Internet and blog free this week for our vacation! I am having an amazing time we are staying in Myrtle Beach. Every time I go to the beach I forget how much I love it! We live about an hour from here and I feel like the luckiest girl for that. I told hubby that if we can't see signs leading to the beach we live to far inland! We will be here all week, and will have lots to edit and update when I return. Here's a couple shots I got last month at Pawley's Island when I came up and stayed with my friend Joy & her sister:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A little more Kala

Just a few more shots of Kala I thought I'de share:) I am working on some I took of the boys this past month. Hopefully I will post them before I leave for the beach on Friday:) Yea for me!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


This is our beautiful babysitter Kala, aka Aunt Kala to my boys. She is the best babysitter ever, one of the few ones left that will watch the kids and clean:) I have known her since she was a little girl, and we enjoy her so much. We love to get together and eat Brownie fudge ice cream and watch teenie-bopper chick flicks! Here's a few shots I took for her mama for her junior year. (hang on there while I am attempting new editing and shooting techniques)

Do these colors look wonky?

So here's my attept at this sun flare thing I love......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

You might be a photographer if ?

Ok this video totally cracked me up. It was made as entry for a contest to win a free spot to the Love Affair workshop in San Deigo! This girl should have totally won! I think this how my hubby has felt this past year. Sorry baby I do love you:)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More from Boston

I can't believe it's already been a few weeks since Boston, oh how I want to go again. I have spent the last few weeks working on my photoshop skills. So here's a few more shots from the workshop and more to come!

D0 you like the dark or brigher one?

Me in action!!! Taken by the awesome Joyce Smith she was our secret all-star guest!