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Sunday, July 27, 2008

I need computer skills & other stuff

I got an e-mail asking why in the world my blog wasn't working and why you couldn't leave me a comment on my last couple of posts. I told them I had no idea since I love comments why I would disable them. SO I just spent the last hour trying to figure it out, and I finally did thank goodness, I just hate my lack of computer skills! Well to add to that thought, there should be lots new stuff on here in the next few weeks! New logo, new look I hope and new shots from the wedding I did last week. Not to mention the house is almost done and we close on it next week:)


Tiffany said...

The house looks great!!
I noticed the comment thing on the last post and tried to comment, but just thought maybe I was not looking in the right place. I should have emailed, I did not even think about it! :) I need computer skills and other stuff too! :)

Naomi Haverland said...

That house sure is super impressive. Does it have a guest room?

Naomi Haverland said...

That house sure is super impressive. Does it have a guest room?

Unknown said...

CONGRATS on the NEW house;-) thanks for sharing some awesome fotogs with us. come c me @ "A MOMENT IN TIME"