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Monday, September 22, 2008

Boston = Falling in Love all over.....(w/photography of course)

I am back from Boston and not even quite sure where to start, besides getting sick on the photo shoot day I had the most wonderful amazing time ever!!! I met so many talented nice photographers and Cheryl Muhr was just captivating! Her story, her work, everything she taught, the way she ran the workshop was nothing less than spectacular! She has definitely moved to my #1 spot of fav photographers! I have been sick and ridiculously busy this week, but wanted to at least post one preview~teaser shot for you!

Me & Cheryl isn't she gorgeous & how cute is her baby girl:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shhhh It's my SECRET!!!

I am so excited I am leaving this weekend for BOSTON to attend "The Secret Photography Workshop" by the amazing Cheryl Muhr!!! There's going to be about 40 woman attending from all over the US and as far as France and Australia! It's going to be 3 days jammed packed of clicking, photoshoping, models, and a very special surprise speaker! I can't wait to soak it all up and come back and implement all I've learned!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Owens' Family

This is my great friend Kathy and her too cute family, it seems like we alway do everything together get married, have kids, ect. And now we are building houses! Our's was finished last month and we are all moved in, well sort of and theirs will be done early next year. She wanted me to take some shots on their land before they started construction, it was a fun experience more on that later but here are some of my favs!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Yes, moment!

As a photographer, (gosh that feels weird calling myself that) every once in a while you get one of those jaw dropping good enough to be in a fashion magazine pictures, sqeaul inside shots. You don't know how you got it, or if you will ever get it again but you did. Well here's mine! This is my bride Amanda's brother and girl friend. They were the hotest couple ever, and the energy between the two of them was unreal! It was like watching Baby & Johnny:)