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Monday, September 1, 2008

Yes, moment!

As a photographer, (gosh that feels weird calling myself that) every once in a while you get one of those jaw dropping good enough to be in a fashion magazine pictures, sqeaul inside shots. You don't know how you got it, or if you will ever get it again but you did. Well here's mine! This is my bride Amanda's brother and girl friend. They were the hotest couple ever, and the energy between the two of them was unreal! It was like watching Baby & Johnny:)


Tiffany said...

Gorgeous shot Nichole!! I am so happy are a photographer :) I totally know that feeling and the squeal! :)

Ruby Rideout said...

Lost in the moment.
Love this :)

Naomi Haverland said...

Did you tell them to pose like that or did it just happen?

Unknown said...

a moment in time;-) capturing a moment like that is why I LOVE photography. Thx for stoppin' by and the INFO about loading a video. if you had not clicked, this moment would soon be hard to remember. AWESOME!!!!!!!!