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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More from Boston

I can't believe it's already been a few weeks since Boston, oh how I want to go again. I have spent the last few weeks working on my photoshop skills. So here's a few more shots from the workshop and more to come!

D0 you like the dark or brigher one?

Me in action!!! Taken by the awesome Joyce Smith she was our secret all-star guest!


Anonymous said...

those pictures are amazing. i like the darker one of the three girls. You are just amazing

Bobbie said...

What?! You went to this workshop?!!! I am sooooo jealous! I LOVE your pictures you took there... amazing!

Tiffany said...

These are so amazing Nichole!!
You may have to teach me a few of those skills~ I love the way thy turned out.
I like the lighter one just a bit better of the 3 girls but they are all fantastic!!