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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lots of yummy newness!

Oh, how I have missed my blog! It's been a couple of weeks but I have lots of new things to share! I have atleast 4 awesome sessions to post, I starting taking classes at night with an amazing celebrity taking, published photographer, and a whole new blog yea!
I have been holding out posting because I have been working day & night on my new blog, and wanted to save all my new shots and posts for there. So y'all are going to have to wait a little longer.............:) But, here's a couple new ones though!


Heather Byrd said...

Hi Nichole!! Can't wait to see the new blog. Who are you taking classes with? I'd love to join if they have room. Take Care, Heather

Anonymous said...

These look awesome. Especially love the sun flare on the first. Can't wait to hear more about your class.